Tag (also called it, tig, tiggy, tips, tick, chasey or touch and go) is a playground game involving two or more players’ chasing other players in an attempt to “tag” and mark them out of play, usually by touching with a hand.Click to see full answer. Thereof, does tag stand for touch and go?CHICAGO (CBS) — A post circling the internet and social media claims the childhood game of TAG is an acronym. The post reads: “How old were you when you learned that the game TAG stands for ‘Touch and Go’… Merriam-Webster Dictionary took to twitter saying, “We’re 190 years old and ‘tag’ doesn’t mean ‘touch and go. ‘”Similarly, what does tag you’re it mean? Therefore, “tag, you’re it” is a metaphor to state that you have been “tagged” (touched) by “it” (the person chasing) and so now you are “it” and have to chase. It often means that the person saying “tag, you’re it” has put you in a position where you need to respond or take some action. Also know, what does the abbreviation tag mean? TAG Acronym Definition TAG Touch and Go (competitive go-karting) TAG Technical Advisory Group TAG Text and Graphics TAG Talented And Gifted (school program) Where does the expression Touch and Go come from?’ The first appearance of ‘touch and go’ in a literal sense was in the 16th century (see quote below) as a verbal phrase (used as noun or adjective) meaning to touch for an instant and immediately go away or pass on; to deal with momentarily or slightly.
